1. regular maintenance of different office blocks and common passages in all blocks at different floors of bikash bhavan during the year 2021-2022 (building works) 2. regular petty repair &maintenance all common toilet blocks (84nos.) at east, north and south block from ground floor to 10th floor along with 54 nos. attached officers toilets at different floors of bikash bhavan, salt lake, kolkata-91 during the year 2021-2022 3. emergent (s&p) maintenance work for water supply line at 6 nos. block of shyamali housing estate, salt lake, during the year 2021-2022. 4. periodical cleaning of water tanks and some allied works at shyamali housing estate, salt lake, during the year 2021- 2022.
Deadline 21 may 2021
Tenders Location west bengal , kolkata
Tenders Value 3.87 Lac
Document Cost 750
Tender categeory construction, infrastructure, civil work 
Our Ref. ID 2105143220
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